Allergy Relief

NAET is a natural, painless allergy relief technique that uses the healing abilities of the body to provide allergy relief without drugs, shots, or surgery.*


Many people know that they have allergies. Problems like hay fever, chronic stuffy nose, dust, mold and pet allergies, and food sensitivities are all too common in so many people. However, many people are not aware that conditions like asthma, headaches, chronic constipation or diarrhea, heartburn, skin problems, and chronic fatigue are often caused by allergies, most notably food allergies. With NAET, we can offer relief from these symptoms that most people never thought possible.


Dr. Segreto has used NAET for over 20 years. Here`s what some of our patients have to say: (All testimonials are used with permission and the signed originals can be read in their entirety in our office.)*

"I have less seasonal allergies, I'm more relaxed and have more energy, it has been life changing and I am extremely grateful to be here."  -Danielle McGillis, Barnegat

"I am a 43 year old dentist who had been suffering with allergies for the past 20-25 years. I have tried all of the over-the-counter medications as well as prescription medications including Allegra. I also had allergy shots weekly for 3 years with minimal results. My allergies would render me tired and the itchy eyes and sneezing episodes were annoying at work. I started treatment with Dr. Frank last last summer and I noticed a big change in my Fall and Winter allergy seasons. I felt the best that I ever had and had not taken a single Allegra. It`s really a pleasure not having to take a pill every day. The treatment was natural and non-invasive, and above all, it worked. I`m sure I`d be taking my Allegra, Nasocort, and God knows what other meds to try and survive the allergy season if I hadn`t had treatment at Trinity Health Center. I would like to tell others that I was very skeptical at first of the treatment methods. I had a few laughs with Dr. Frank about that, but after going through treatment of the food allergies and then the environmental allergies, I felt great improvement. It took about 20 visits or so, but now I only need a touch up here and there and life is good and I`m medication-free."
-Dr. Brian S. Klohn, DMD, PA, Lakehurst


"My eyes would always swell up and I always had to take medicine.  Since I came here, I haven`t had to take medicine and my eyes haven`t been swelling up at all this year.  It`s been nice knowing that my eyes won`t swell up when I`m at a friend`s house.  If I didn`t come here, I would be living in misery from my allergies again.  The office is very organized and everybody who works there is very nice and respectful."  - Kevin M., (Age 11), Westfield, NJ


"I had severe reflux, asthma, and multiple allergies. I could hardly eat anything that did not make me sick and I had constant breathing problems. Medicine was not helping - in fact it was making me sicker. Dr. Segreto was impressive with his knowledge and expertise. I can now eat normally - and enjoy what I eat. My lungs are healthy, I breathe so well and I don`t have to worry about getting sick from the environment or food. If I had not received treatment from Dr. Segreto, I would probably be walking around with an oxygen tank, if I would still be alive. Don`t hesitate to try these treatments. All of Dr. Segreto`s treatments are extremely beneficial. They solve your problem, your body becomes much healthier and you can really start living again."
-Carol Lewandowski, Toms River


"My allergic reactions have lessened, my cravings for certain foods brought on by allergies have subsided, and I have more energy." -Frank O`Rourke, Spring Lake


"My sinus problems kept me from sleeping well, and I always had to use nasal sprays. I never realized that food allergies had so much to do with the way we feel. I haven`t had to use nasal sprays in months, I`m sleeping a lot better, and I just feel so much better all over. I`m so happy I found Dr. Segreto, he`s made a big difference in my quality of life. I tell all my friends about Trinity Health Center when they tell me they have a problem because I want them to feel as good as I do." - Millie Devlin, Forked River


"My four-year-old daughter had terrible asthmatic coughing attacks every 3-4 weeks, together with nasal congestion. She was not able to sleep when the symptoms would start, her playing during the day was affected, and she had headaches as well. A friend told me of her experience here with a child who had allergies. In the eight weeks since we started here she only had one attack which the medication responded to (usually even the meds wouldn`t work). We can now sleep! Her sisters don`t mind sleeping in her room anymore. She is much more comfortable and I can go out at night without worrying about her. If we did not come to see Dr. Segreto, we would still be on our roller coaster of running to doctors, pumping her up with steroids and still not getting sleep. Try it out!" - Carrie Williams, Lakewood


"I always had horrible allergies in the winter and always felt terrible all winter. Since my treatments, I have had no allergies all winter and I feel perfectly fine." -Kevin D. (age 15), Pt. Pleasant


For more information on how NAET can help you, call our office today and schedule a complimentary phone consultation with Dr. Segreto to see if NAET might be right for you. Call us at 732-270-6222.

*The above testimonials are in the patients' own words.  Treatment in this office does not guarantee similar results and chiropractic care is not a substitute for standard medical care.  In cases of emergencies, you are advised to call 911 or seek help from the nearest emergency physician.  This office makes no claims to offer medical treatment for medical conditions.  The above testimonials reflect results gained from conservative chiropractic care, not from the treatment of any disease or medical condition. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition or disease.