Study Shows School Aged Children Benefit from Chiropractic CareThe Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies published the results of a study on February 19, 2025, showing that school aged children with a wide variety of health issues benefit from chiropractic care. The study data was tabulated and written by multiple authors in the United States, New Zealand, and the Netherlands.
The authors of the study begin by noting "Chiropractic care is utilized in school aged children for a variety of health complaints, including headaches, postural issues, nocturnal enuresis, neurodevelopmental disorders, and back pain." The study points out that there is an alarming increase in neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD’s) among children. NDD conditions include problems such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD), dyslexia, attention-deficit hyperactivity order (ADHD), and other neurological conditions.
The study reports that children are typically brought to the chiropractor for care with musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain, neck pain or headaches. However, there is a growing group of children who receive chiropractic for NDD issues. They state, "Chiropractic care for children has been used in the clinical setting to help co-manage individuals with NDD’s, particularly autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, and other behavioral disorders." They continue, "Previous research on chiropractic care in the pediatric population has also shown improvements in quality of life and a high satisfaction of care."
In this study, the health records of children between the ages of 5 and 18 who had received chiropractic care in a public-school setting in the United States were reviewed. Children were offered chiropractic care if they were identified by their teachers as having an NDD, or if requested by the child’s parents or caregivers due to musculoskeletal problems or other health complaints.
The records of the children included in this study were reviewed to determine the results of the care. The children were only included if they had received 12 weeks of continuous chiropractic care within the schools participating in this study. This study was ethically approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Life University, Marietta, Georgia, USA.
Results of the chiropractic care were evaluated by standardized scientific questionnaires, and by tests to determine neurological function. The questionnaires included information about the child’s quality of life, mental health, school performance, and relationships with other children.
The results of this study show positive changes for the children in the various areas that the study examined. The authors described the results by saying, "This retrospective case series in 180 children revealed statistically significant improvements following 12 weeks of chiropractic care in several areas." They elaborated by stating, "Statistically significant improvements were noted in the ‘health and activities’ sub-section and overall score of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ and in the hyperactivity domain of the Strengths and Difficulties questionnaire." The authors concluded, "These positive changes highlight the potential benefits of chiropractic care in addressing certain aspects of well-being and behavior of school-age children." |